The Welsh Corgi Rescue Service was voted into existence at the AGM of the Southern Section of the Welsh Corgi League in 1972 by a considerable majority of the members present. A committee was formed and aims and objectives agreed.
Many breeders were recruited as county organisers over a wide area with around 20 counties being covered. In July 1978 the Welsh Corgi Rescue service was accepted for registration by the charity commission.
Our charity number is 276164.
We do our best to find new homes for corgis in need of a new owner due to a number of circumstances, i.e. divorce, ill health, death, owners being taken into care or warden assisted accommodation where dogs are not permitted. Change of circumstances by the owner whereby they are forced to return to full time employment. The expected arrival of a baby in the family, and occasionally abandonment. etc.
We receive calls from many sources, veterinary surgeries, social services, and other rescue centres and from families in need of help in finding another home for their corgi.
We work closely with other rescue centres and when they have a corgi on their books and pass on to them names of people on our waiting list. General rescue services usually prefer to deal with the adoption themselves and we are happy to help in any way. We find that people adopting a corgi from a general rescue service will contact us again and ask to become members of corgi rescue.
When a corgi comes on for re-homing we take the details of the dog and, if necessary, one of our members will visit to see the condition and temperament of the corgi.
We then go through our waiting list and try to find someone suitable, a visit is made to the prospective new owner by a local member. Details are required of family members, working arrangements, accommodation, garden, previous dogs owned, other pets, etc. and, providing they are considered suitable, a dog is placed in their care on probation. During the probationary period another visit is made to make sure all is well. Once this is confirmed the adoption forms are sent to the new owner and these transfer the corgi into their ownership. The new owners become members of corgi rescue so that contact with them is continued. If any help is needed at any time we are here to help.
We send out a newsletter twice a year to all members and sell cards at Christmas, usually depicting a rescue corgi, as a fundraiser. The newsletter keeps us in contact with members.